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The Role of Biblical Herbs in Scripture and Their Modern Benefits

Writer: BethAnn ChristiansonBethAnn Christianson

Updated: Mar 5

We are accustomed to looking to the Bible for guidance in our daily lives. It’s also a useful reference for improving our health and physical well-being. Many have referenced the bible for Christian weight loss programs like the Daniel Diet or the Daniel Fast, which recommends limiting food to water and vegetables. The Bible frequently mentions herbs and plants, symbolizing healing, nourishment, and God's provision. These natural remedies were staples of ancient diets and medicines and carried deep spiritual meaning. Today, many of these "Biblical herbs" are still recognized for their impressive health benefits.

How Can Biblical Herbs Help Me Today?

Genesis 1:29: “Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.’”

What plants did God give us for medicine? God gave us a wealth of plants, herbs, and food to thrive on, and Scripture guides us in improving our daily lives. Many nutrition principles from Scripture align with modern trends, like the emphasis on plant-based foods, mindful eating, and avoiding excess. While there are many biblical herbs and plants to focus on, we’ll cover our top ten for healing and wellness here.

Frankincense for Healing

Frankincense for Biblical Nutrition
Boswellia trees have small yellow and white flowers. The bark has a paper-like texture that can be easily removed.

Frankincense, also known as Boswellia, comes from tree resin. The trees are native to the Arabian Peninsula in northeastern Africa. The Magi brought it as a gift to the infant Jesus (Matthew 2:11), symbolizing divinity. This herb is valued for its aromatic and medicinal properties. It was used in sacred rituals, symbolizing worship and prayer.

Benefits of Frankincense (Boswellia):

  • Potent anti-inflammatory

  • Reduces scars and wrinkles on skin

  • Promotes relaxation

  • Supports immune health in aromatherapy

Saffron for Healthy Weight and Mood

Saffron for Biblical Nutrition
Saffron is used world wide in both sweet and savory foods and soaking in hot water releases it's flavor and color.

Saffron is derived from the Crocus sativus flower. It needs to be picked by hand and dried, so it’s one of the most expensive herbs in the world. Saffron is typically grown in Southwest Asia, Iran, India, Greece, and Spain. In Song of Solomon 4:14, saffron is mentioned in a poetic description of a fragrant garden: “Nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with every kind of incense tree.” Known for its vibrant color and distinct flavor, saffron symbolizes luxury and abundance (and is also delicious) but is also powerful for good health.

Benefits of Saffron:

  • Assists with weight loss

  • Alleviates depression

  • Serves as a sleep aid

  • Improves mood

Mint for Digestion and Soothing

Mint for Biblical Nutrition
Mint, from the genus Mentha, is easy to grow, has many varieties, and the leaves can be eaten right off the plant.

Jesus referenced mint in Matthew 23:23 when addressing the Pharisees’ attention to tithing herbs while neglecting weightier matters of the law. Mint was a common herb in ancient times, valued for its refreshing qualities. It’s very versatile today and can be grown in most temperate climates.

Benefits of Mint:

  • Digestion

  • Soothes headaches

  • Provides a cooling effect on the skin

  • Helps calm the body

Cinnamon for Aiding Circulation and Blood Sugar Levels

Cinnamon for Biblical Nutrition
The cinnamon tree is grown in Sri Lanka and southeastern Asia, primarily, and is used for booth food and medicine around the world.

Cinnamon comes from the inside bark of a tree. It was a much-prized spice in biblical times because it was imported. Cinnamon is mentioned multiple times in the Bible, including in the recipe for holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:23). It was prized for its fragrance and medicinal value.

Benefits of Cinnamon:

  • Regulates blood sugar levels

  • Improves circulation

  • Acts as a natural antimicrobial

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Protects the body from stress

Myrrh For a Healthy Mouth

Myrrh for Biblical Nutrition

Myrrh appears frequently in the Bible, including in preparing holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:23-25). As one of the gifts of the Magi (Matthew 2:11). It was a powerful antiseptic and used for embalming and as a natural remedy.

Benefits of Myrrh:

  • Offers a natural antiseptic

  • Rich with antioxidants

  • Useful in oral care products like toothpaste and mouthwash for gum health

  • Supports wound healing and reduces inflammation

Aloe for Soothing Skin

Aloe for Biblical Nutrition
Aloe plants are used in many popular sunburn remedies to help alleviate symptoms and heal wounds.

Aloe thrives in warm, arid climates and is commonly cultivated in places like India, China, and the Caribbean. Referred to in John 19:39-40 during the burial preparations of Jesus, Aloe was valued in biblical times for its soothing and preservative properties.

Benefits of Aloe:

  • Remedy for burns, cuts, and skin irritations

  • Aids with skin hydration

  • Provides anti-aging benefits

  • Supports digestion

  • Support immune system

Resveratrol for Anti-Aging, Heart and Brain Health

Reservatrol from Red Grapes for Biblical Nutrition
Resveratrol is most powerful in Japanese knotweed, red grapes, and berries and has appeared in over 20,000 research papers about its benefits.

Resveratrol is a compound found in Japanese knotweed, red wine, grapes, berries, and peanuts. The Bible references it for medicinal purposes, including 1 Timothy 5:23 - "No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent infirmities."

While resveratrol is present in various foods, red grapes are the most well-known source, and it is often associated with wine, particularly red wine, because the compound is abundant in the skin of the grapes used to make wine. Japanese knotweed is considered a better source of resveratrol than red grapes because it naturally contains a significantly higher concentration of this antioxidant, particularly in its roots, making it the plant with the highest known resveratrol content per gram compared to other sources like grapes or red wine

Benefits of Resveratrol:

  • Neutralizes free radicals as an antioxidant

  • Improves heart health

  • Has anti-aging effects

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves brain health

  • Promotes fat burning

  • Helps regulate blood sugar

Turmeric For Joint Pain and Brain Function

Turmeric for Biblical Nutrition
Turmeric is a plant in the ginger family that comes from a root and is grown mainly in areas with high rainfall like Southeast Asia and India.

Turmeric is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible but has been used in traditional medicine and cooking for thousands of years. It is probable that ancient peoples in the Bible's context were aware of spices and herbs similar to turmeric and used it for it’s many health benefits.

Benefits of Turmeric:

  • Reduces inflammation - especially good for arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) and more

  • Neutralizes free radicals as an antioxidant

  • Alleviates joint pain and can be as effective as some NSAIDs for reduction of pain

  • Supports brain function

  • Improves heart health

  • Prevents cancer

  • Enhances mood and can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression

  • Promotes healthy skin by reducing inflammation and its antimicrobial properties

Sea Moss for Nutrients and Healthy Weight

Sea Moss for Biblical Nutrition
Sea moss contains high levels of omega-3 and fiber. It is abundant in the rocky shores of the Atlantic ocean.

The sea is a prominent theme in scripture, symbolizing God's power, creation, deliverance, and more. It’s long been a source of restoration for humans. Sea Moss is a type of red algae that has been used in traditional medicine for a long time for its many healing properties. Sea moss has lately been a popular weight loss supplement for celebrities.

Benefits of Sea Moss:

  • Contains over 90 essential nutrients which improve overall health

  • Support immune systems

  • Helps with gut health

  • Supports thyroid function

  • Aids in skin health with hydration and anti-inflammatory properties

  • Boosts energy

  • Can support detoxification by flushing out waste products

Hyssop for Respiratory Health and Stress Reduction

Hyssop for Biblical Nutrition
Honey made from Hyssop pollen is considered a delicacy, leaves are used for perfume, and it's often consumed as a tea.

Hyssop is a fragrant herb used for cleansing and purification rituals. It was used for sprinkling blood during the Passover (Exodus 12:22), as well as for ceremonial purification (Leviticus 14). In Psalm 51:7, King David asks for spiritual cleansing: "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean."

Benefits of Hyssop:

  • Helps with respiratory health and aids with coughs, cold, asthma and bronchitis

  • Eases congestion

  • Helps with digestion

  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory

  • Has mild sedative effects than can calm and reduce stress and anxiety

  • Can be used as an antimicrobial

  • Supports liver function and detoxification

Embracing Biblical Herbs Today

The herbs mentioned in the Bible were more than just food or medicine—they carried spiritual significance and practical wisdom. Incorporating these herbs into your daily routine allows you to connect with ancient traditions while benefiting from their proven health properties. Consider adding a cup of mint or hyssop tea to your evening routine, taking a saffron supplement to help with weight loss, using aloe vera for skin care, or vitamins with Turmeric and Frankincense for your overall general health.

Let scripture's wisdom inspire your wellness journey, reminding you that God’s provision extends to every leaf and root.

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